The Cabinet of Ministers approved the concept of development of automobile tourism

AK&M 02 May 2024 12:52

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a concept for the development of automobile tourism until 2035. This was announced by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The main objectives of the concept are: to create comfortable and safe conditions for traveling on highways, to increase the accessibility of tourist facilities and the quality of road services.

The concept will be implemented in two stages. The first stage covers the years 2024-2025. During this period, it is planned to develop a program for the development of automobile tourism with an action plan, including the preparation of proposals for new state support measures and conditions for the development of auto tourism and related infrastructure, as well as to create an interactive map – scheme of automobile tourist routes, including the pilot route St. Petersburg - Vladivostok.

The maps will indicate the locations of tourist infrastructure and road service facilities.

The second stage includes the years 2025-2035. During this period, it is planned to improve legislation and state support measures aimed at the development of autotourism, implement measures aimed at increasing the network of automobile tourist routes and infrastructure facilities, launch an interactive map of infrastructure facilities, provide feedback for autotourists to assess the quality of services provided.