For the third year in a row, the AK&M rating agency has awarded the highest (RESG 1) assessment of sustainability reporting to PJSC Polyus. In accordance with the agency's methodology, the reporting of PJSC Polyus for 2023 received 99.2 points and was assigned to the highest level. This rating is assigned to companies that have received a rating score in the range from 85 to 106.6.
The company's report makes it clear how important the principles of sustainable development play in its activities. Adhering to these principles, PJSC Polyus not only achieves its business goals and increases efficiency, but also contributes to the development of society, sees the meaning of its work and results, which helps the company to function more purposefully and responsibly.
This year, PJSC Polyus presented to the public one of the best reports among Russian companies. Beautifully structured and containing convenient links to a large number of internal documents regulating ESG activities, the report shows the wide scope of environmental conservation, employee care and charitable activities in the regions of presence. Especially for analysts and other stakeholders, the report is accompanied by a data-book containing detailed statistics for 9 years.
Special attention should be paid to the information technology section, which outlines the successes achieved in improving the safety of production processes through the use of new digital solutions, as well as efforts to repel external attacks on information resources.
The careful attitude to nature of PJSC Polyus is reflected in the relevant section of the report. AK&M Rating Agency is pleased to note the company's great work on biodiversity conservation. The report not only describes all the initiatives, but also provides a well-developed internal regulatory framework governing these activities.
Appreciating the quality of the report, the agency recommends expanding the section of the report on waste generation by adding waste data broken down by hazard classes.
The rating of non-financial reporting was assigned based on the methodology adopted by the AK&M Rating Agency.
The rating evaluates the completeness of the data presented in the reports. A system of markers for the presence or absence of data is used for evaluation.
The ESG reporting rating has been calculated by the AK&M Rating Agency since 2020. The focus of the research is the completeness of the presentation of information about sustainable development in reports, as well as its accessibility. The study examines 96 markers. The main purpose of the rating is to show the professional community the best practices in disclosing information about the social and environmental activities of companies.