AK&M Rating Agency has assigned a rating of non—financial reporting to Acron Group at the level - RESG 1, the highest level of disclosure of information about sustainable development in reports. The rating was assigned for the first time.
In accordance with the agency's methodology, the Acron Group's reporting for 2023 received 88.2 points and was assigned to the highest level. This rating is assigned to companies that have received a rating score in the range from 85 to 106.6.
This year, the Akron Group released its second sustainability report. The year 2023 is significant for the Group: the work on the creation of a sustainable development strategy has been completed. According to the approved strategy, a unified ESG management system was formed — environmental and social aspects, production safety and corporate culture. The clear regulations adopted are reflected in a clear and well-structured report. Each side of the activity is disclosed in a single logic, where goals and key indicators are given, documents and regulations adopted by the company are indicated, and the results of activities are published.
Especially for analysts, the Group has posted tables with dynamic indicators covering all sustainable development activities in the public domain.
The rating agency notes the good quality of disclosure of the social aspect. In the reporting year, the company actively worked with educational institutions to attract young professionals to work at the Group's enterprises. About one billion rubles were allocated for social investments — 13% more than a year earlier. Akron paid great attention to the development of infrastructure in the regions of its presence in order to improve the quality of life of the local population. About 800 million rubles have been allocated for such support, which is 38% more than in 2022. In addition, the company is aware of its responsibility for the safety of people at enterprises and pays much attention to occupational safety and industrial safety. The report reflects all the documents regulating these types of activities, describes the measures applied and the results obtained.
Among the agency's recommendations is to expand the description of the Group's work in the field of procurement by adding data on the volume of purchases from local producers and SMEs.
The rating of non-financial statements was assigned based on the methodology adopted by the AK&M Rating Agency.
The rating evaluates the completeness of the data presented in the reports. A system of markers for the presence or absence of data is used for evaluation.
The ESG reporting rating has been calculated by the AK&M Rating Agency since 2020. The focus of the research is the completeness of the presentation of information about sustainable development in reports, as well as its accessibility. The study examines 96 markers. The main purpose of the rating is to show the professional community the best practices in disclosing information about the social and environmental activities of companies.