Individuals in July increased the volume of currency purchases by 34.6% to a record 237.1 billion rubles

AK&M 11 August 2022 17:31

Significant net buyers of foreign currency in the second half of July 2022 for the first time were individuals who increased net purchases to 237.1 billion rubles in July from 176.1 billion rubles in June. This was a record volume of net purchases for this category of participants, according to the Bank of Russia.

Foreign currency was acquired mainly through banks that made transfers to foreign accounts. At the same time, in July, there was a decrease in the balances on the bank accounts of individuals in foreign currency by $ 3 billion.

The largest net buyers of foreign currency in the domestic market were other banks (not NWCO), which bought currencies for 319.6 billion rubles, including for importers.

In addition, the volume of purchases of foreign currency by friendly non-residents, primarily banks from the EAEU, has significantly increased.