Miranda-Media became the owner of 51% of the Lugansk telephone company

AK&M 10 December 2024 03:08

Miranda-Media LLC recently became the owner of 51% of Lugansk Telephone Company LLC. JSC RT-Regions owns 49%. Such changes are recorded in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities according to the information system HONEST BUSINESS. Prior to that, Yuri Shatsky owned 50.02%, Vladimir Shatsky — 0.98%.

Lugansk telephone company provides landline services, Internet and others. The company's revenue for 2023 amounted to 2.09 billion rubles, net profit — 541.8 million rubles.

Miranda-Media LLC is located in the Republic of Crimea. The company is engaged in the provision of data transmission services and access services to the Internet information and communication network. The company's revenue for 2023 amounted to 4 billion rubles (in 2022 — (188 billion rubles), net loss — 1.355 billion rubles.

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