Russian Railways increases the authorized capital by 39.4 billion rubles by additional issue

AK&M 17 January 2025 14:48

The sole shareholder of Russian Railways — the Russian Federation — decided to increase the authorized capital of the company by 39.407109 billion rubles by placing shares. The number of additional ordinary shares to be placed is 39407109 shares with a nominal value of 1 thousand rubles. The securities are placed by closed subscription in favor of the Government of the Russian Federation. This is stated in the message of Russian Railways.

In particular, the Management Code increases by 37.15 billion rubles by placing 37.15 million additional ordinary shares in order to implement projects for the development of the railway infrastructure of the Central Transport Hub, taking into account the organization of diametrical routes, including: 3.83 billion rubles for the implementation of the Ermakov Grove — Belorusskaya — Moscow-Butyrskaya site; 8.24 billion rubles for the implementation of the Kaluzhsko-Nizhegorodsky MCD-4 facility; 12.54 billion rubles for the implementation of the Moscow-Passenger-Kurskaya — Moscow-Tovarnaya-Kurskaya — Karacharovo site; 8.62 billion rubles for implementation of the MCD-3 Leningradsko-Kazansky facility; 3.92 billion rubles for the implementation of the "Connecting branch between the Kiev and Smolensk directions" facility.

The Criminal Code is also increased by 2,257,109 billion rubles by placing 2,257,109 additional shares that make up the market value of the property contributed to the authorized capital.

JSC Russian Railways (TIN 7708503727) was established on October 1, 2003 on the basis of the Ministry of Railways. The state owns 100% of the company's shares. The authorized capital is 3.33 trillion rubles.

Russian Railways' net profit under IFRS in the first half of 2024 amounted to 114.052 billion rubles, a decrease of 11.4% compared to the same period in 2023. The holding's revenues increased by 8.5% to 1.599 trillion rubles.