The rating agency AK&M has assigned Sakhalin Energy the highest rating of non-financial reporting in the field of sustainable development

AK&M 13 January 2025 20:09

The AK&M rating agency has assigned the rating of Sakhalin Energy's non—financial reporting at the RESG 1 level - the highest level of disclosure of information about sustainable development in reports.

In accordance with the agency's methodology, Sakhalin Energy's reporting for 2023 received 92.6 points and was assigned to the highest level. This rating is assigned to companies that have received a rating score in the range from 85 to 106.6.

The company discloses information about its sustainability activities in the Review of Non-financial Activities in the field of ESG. Realizing large-scale tasks for economic growth, the company pays great attention to social issues, environmental protection and support for the region of presence. The report describes in detail the projects already implemented, as well as plans for their development. At the same time, not only production efficiency is taken into account, but also the contribution to the achievement of national and global sustainable development goals. The report is compiled in such a way as to best meet the needs of all stakeholders. It describes in detail the actions of the company, explaining the procedures adopted in the company, with information about past events and long-term plans.

AK&M rating agency particularly notes the high quality of disclosure of information about work with suppliers and contractors, considering it one of the best in the oil and gas industry. The report describes the steps taken to comprehensively solve problems aimed at increasing technological sovereignty, describes programs for the development of domestic innovation platforms, and provides examples of the creation of expert competence centers. The large-scale, long-term activities described in detail in the report to ensure safe working conditions, develop internal and external human resources, and maintain a high corporate culture allow the company to remain among the leaders of employers in Russia among enterprises in the energy industry. The review for 2023 is called "The Time of the First" and is largely devoted to the company's activities to develop the country's technological and personnel sovereignty.

The report is logically structured on the basis of a risk-based ESG approach, statistical data are presented in dynamics.

Appreciating the quality and completeness of the report, the AK&M Rating Agency recommends adding a separate section of statistical data or ESG data tables to the report, intended for analysts and other interested parties.

The rating of non-financial reporting was assigned based on the methodology adopted by the AK&M Rating Agency.

The ESG reporting rating has been calculated by the AK&M Rating Agency since 2020. The focus of the research is the completeness of the presentation of information about sustainable development in reports, as well as its accessibility. The study examines 96 markers. The main purpose of the rating is to show the professional community the best practices in disclosing information about the social and environmental activities of companies.