Within the framework of the federal project "Improvement of the Volga River" of the national project "Ecology", the Small Darma river was cleared in the Trusovsky district of Astrakhan. Rosvodresursy allocated about 7.1 million rubles for the implementation of the project in 2024.
"Along with other channels, the Small Darma river plays an essential role in feeding the Volga water of the western subtidal ilmen zone. In turn, Ilmeni is a source of water supply (including drinking water) for more than 60 thousand people of the population of about thirty settlements of Narimanovsky, Limanovsky, Ikryaninsky districts of the Astrakhan region and the city of Astrakhan itself," said the deputy head of Rosvodresurs Natalia Sologub.
The deterioration of the watercourse in these territories due to climatic changes and active economic activity began in the late 50s of the last century. The consequence of these processes was the active accumulation of bottom sediments, waterlogging and overgrowth of ilmen reservoirs with hard near-water vegetation (reed, hedgehog, cattail, etc.).
During the implementation of the project to clear the 862-meter section of the riverbed of the Small Darma river in 2024, more than 12.3 thousand m3 of bottom soil was seized. All the seized silt deposits were placed outside the water protection zone and will be used by the municipal authorities for the reclamation of recreational areas in the future.
"As a result of the clearing, the flow rate of the watercourse has improved, the filling capacity of ilmen reservoirs and their sanitary condition during low water, the recreational attractiveness of the reservoir has increased," she noted Natalia Sologub.
The clearing of watercourses in the lower reaches of the Volga River will be continued within the framework of the federal project "Water of Russia" of the national project "Environmental Well-being".
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