The rating agency AK&M assigned the rating of non-financial reporting to VK at the level of - RESG 2

AK&M 31 August 2023 19:26

The rating agency AK&M has assigned the rating of non-financial reporting to VK at the level - RESG 2, a high level of disclosure of information about sustainable development in reports.

In accordance with the agency's methodology, VK's non-financial reporting for 2022 received 72.2 points and was assigned to a high level. This rating is assigned to companies that have received a rating score in the range from 70 to 84.9.

VK is one of the largest IT companies in Russia, whose services are used by more than 95% of the Runet audience (according to Mediascope), and the monthly number of users exceeds 100 million people. The company carries out an important social mission, VK services help millions of people solve everyday tasks online. The company's report shows the results of VK's activities to develop new services for users, protect personal data, and create favorable working conditions for employees. The report provides a detailed structure of sustainable development management, describes the adopted documents and plans for the development of new internal documents and procedures.

The Agency particularly notes the high quality of information on the risks associated with sustainable development. The report outlines all the specific risks that take into account the specifics of the system-forming IT company. Each risk is described, and comprehensive information is provided on measures to counter possible threats.

Highly appreciating the quality of the report, the AK&M Rating Agency recommends expanding financial information in it: about the company's costs for personnel and its development, about the contribution to environmental protection. The Agency considers it important to add emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere to the list of disclosed information.

The rating of non-financial reporting was assigned based on the methodology adopted by the AK&M Rating Agency.

The rating evaluates the completeness of the data presented in the reports. A system of markers for the presence or absence of data is used for evaluation. The rating was assigned by the agency on an initiative basis based on an analysis of the company's financial statements.

The ESG reporting rating has been calculated by the AK&M Rating Agency since 2020. The focus of the research is the completeness of the presentation of information about sustainable development in reports, as well as its accessibility. The study examines 96 markers. The main purpose of the rating is to show the professional community the best practices of disclosing information about the social and environmental activities of companies.