The volume of sugar exchange trading increased 9 times in May

AK&M 02 June 2023 11:21

The volume of sugar sales on the stock exchange in May 2023 increased 9 times to 27.6 thousand tons year-on-year. This is stated in the message of Soyuzrossakhar with reference to the data of the NTB and SPbMTSB.

Soyuzrossahar associates the growth of the indicator with an increase in the supply of sugar from producers. Since the beginning of the year, the volume of sugar trading on Russian exchanges has amounted to 129.5 thousand tons, which is 89% of the total sales volume last year.

Since the beginning of the year, sugar factories have registered 24.4 thousand over-the-counter contracts with a total sales volume of 2.8 million tons of sugar, which is 800 thousand tons more than the same period last year.

According to the NTB, the average exchange prices for sugar in May amounted to 60-61 rubles/kg with VAT, which corresponds to the level of May, July and August 2022. At the same time, the average sugar price for 5 months of this year is 5% lower than the same period last year.

Sugar trading is conducted on two commodity exchanges – NTB and SPbMTSB. 39 warehouses of sugar factories out of 65 operating have been accredited and 16 are still in the process of accreditation.