Orenburg gas producers tested the equipment of the RUSNANO – Novomet portfolio company

RUSNANO 04 July 2022 20:21

The approbation of the well development technology with the use of a small-sized electric centrifugal pump was the first test of new equipment in the gas field.

The test demonstrated the operability of the installation and confirmed the declared operational characteristics of the Novomet solution.

First, the pump was started at a depth of 1350 meters in the absence of excessive pressure at the mouth, and then checked by creating a pressure with nitrogen similar to the conditions of the production wells of the Orenburg oil and gas condensate field.

A small–sized pump is one of the promising tools capable of solving the tasks not only of extracting the liquid injected during the overhaul or construction of a well, but also restoring the productivity of the existing fund.

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