22 July 2024

AK&M Rating Agency has once again confirmed PJSC Polyus the highest rating of non-financial reporting (in the field of sustainable development)

For the third year in a row, the AK&M rating agency has awarded the highest (RESG ...
18 July 2024

AK&M Rating Agency has once again confirmed PJSC Rosseti Lenenergo's highest rating of non-financial (in the field of sustainable development) reporting

This year, Rosseti Lenenergo significantly expanded the list of disclosed information, the...
17 July 2024

AK&M has released an industry bulletin on communications and information technology with April–May data

According to Rosstat, the volume of communication services provided to enterprises of all ...
11 July 2024

AK&M has released an industry bulletin on metallurgy with April–May data

In May 2024, global steel production increased again. This and many other topics are cover...


26 July 2024 20:00

Unipro's RAS net profit for the first half of the year increased by 29.29%

Revenue increased by 6.8%.
26 July 2024 19:32

DOM.RF will sell the Kushashnikov House

26 July 2024 19:16

Voluntary verification of reporting on greenhouse gas emissions was carried out at the PNTZ

The conclusion of the verifier confirmed that the PNTZ correctly collects and processes the initial data.
26 July 2024 19:02

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has set the discount price for precious metals on July 27, 2024

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has set the discount price for gold at 6503.86 rubles/ g.
26 July 2024 19:01

VSK has opened 27 franchise offices

The company plans to open franchise offices in every region of the country.

26 July 2024

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation set the official exchange rate of the yuan on July 27 at 1172.96 rubles.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation established the official exchange rate of the yuan on July 27 in the amount of 1172.96 rubles against 1174.08 rubles on July 26.
26 July 2024

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation set the official euro exchange rate on July 27 at 93.2641 rubles.

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation established the official euro exchange rate on July 27 in the amount of 93.2641 rubles against 93.1711 rubles on July 26.
26 July 2024

The State Duma has passed a bill allowing foreign banks to open branches in the Russian Federation

The draft law, in particular, defines the procedure for accreditation of a branch of a foreign bank and obtaining a license from the Bank of Russia.
17 July 2024 15:21

The volume of communication services in May 2024 increased by 7.3%

This is stated in issue No. 1582 of the monthly bulletin "Branches of the Russian economy: production, finance, securities. Communications and Information Technology" dated July 17, 2024.