The development of digital mortgages in Russia will be discussed on March 29 in Moscow

AK&M 21 March 2024 16:20

The practical session "Digitalization of the mortgage lending system" will be held on March 29, 2024 in Moscow during the XXII All-Russian conference "Mortgage Lending in Russia". The conference was organized by the AK&M news agency with the participation of relevant ministries, departments, as well as leaders of the affordable housing and mortgage lending market. The partners of the event were the A101 Group of Companies and the VSK Insurance House.

The discussion will be attended by Oleg Komlik, Deputy Managing Director of DOM.RF JSC, Sergey Belokopytov, Head of the Department for Strategic Development and Digital Transformation of Rosreestr, Vladimir Batanov, Head of the Housing Development Division of DOM.RF JSC, Elena Tchaikovsky, Advisor to the Director of the Department for Strategic Development of the Financial Market of the Bank of Russia, Director for Digital Development credit products of the Fintech Association Svetlana Isaeva, Deputy Commercial Director for the processes of sale and transfer of real estate of A101 Group Artem Grigoriev, General Director of the Square Meter ecosystem Alexey Zavgorodny, Director of Rosbank Dom Vadim Mamonov, Product Director of VSK Insurance House Katerina Mikryukova, General Director of FAST.Mortgage Innokenty Lukyanov, Director of Regional Development Alexey Shukhatovich.

The session will be moderated by Artem Lesnikov, Marketing Director of Profitbase of the Artsofte Group of Companies.

During the discussion, leading experts will discuss the level of integration of digital mortgage services with government systems, technological barriers and prospects for their elimination, urgent tasks to standardize data exchange between participants in the digital mortgage circuit, the development of mortgage marketplaces and related digital services for housing sales, new forms of IT integrations, the role of digital solutions in the credit assessment of borrowers.

More than 150 leading experts will take part in the conference. Participation in the conference is provided in face-to-face and remote formats.

Registration is available on the conference website.