Malik Gaisin zeroed out his stake in PJSC Commercial Bank Vyatich from 99.2018%. The Russian Federation, represented by the Federal Agency for State Property Management, became the owner of 99.2018% of the bank. This is stated in the materials of the organization.
Vyatich Bank was registered by the Bank of Russia on April 19, 1994. Among the first founders of the bank were a number of large commercial enterprises of various sectors of the economy, as well as credit organizations: JSCB "Eurocosmos", Commercial People's Bank, Euroazmetall LLP, NPF PANAX, Russian-British Joint Venture NPP ERMA International, Medical Association "Russian Hospital" LLP, Ryazan Medical Institute and others.
The Bank carries out operations in the markets of the following regions: Ryazan region, Moscow, Sverdlovsk Region, Republic of Chuvashia, Vladimir Region and others.
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