Medsi Group shareholders have decided to reorganize

AK&M 31 March 2023 18:53

The shareholders of Medsi Group at an extraordinary meeting on March 30 decided to reorganize. This is stated in the company's message.

In particular, it was decided to reorganize Medsi Group of Companies in the form of joining Project M LLC, created by reorganizing in the form of separation from Project Michurinsky LLC. Reorganization in the form of joining is carried out simultaneously with the reorganization of the company "Project Michurinsky" in the form of separation of the company "Project M" from it.

There is no exchange in shares of Medsi Group of Companies of the Project M company attached to it, 100% of the share in the authorized capital of Project M LLC, owned by Medsi Group of Companies JSC, is repayable. The authorized capital of Medsi Group does not change.

It was also decided to reorganize Medsi Group of Companies in the form of joining MRI Azbuka Zdorovya LLC.

Medsi Group of Companies is the sole participant of the MRT Azbuka Zdorovya company and the owner of 100% of shares in its authorized capital. Conversion into shares of Medsi Group of Companies of the LLC attached to it is not carried out. The authorized capital of Medsi Group does not change.

Medsi Group of Companies is a network of private clinics providing a full range of medical services – from primary admission and emergency medical care to high–tech diagnostics, complex surgical interventions and rehabilitation.