Prices of producers of industrial products in the Russian Federation increased by 1.9 in the first quarter%

AK&M 18 April 2024 13:07

Prices of manufacturers of industrial products in the Russian Federation in March 2024 increased by 2.4% compared to February, and by 1.9% in the first quarter. This was reported by Rosstat.

In March, prices increased by 4.8% in mining, by 1.7% in manufacturing, and by 1.5% in the provision of electric energy, gas and steam.

In March, prices for mining and supplies to the domestic market increased: granite, sandstone - by 13.1%, sand-gravel mixtures – by 11.6%, ores and concentrates of other non–ferrous metals not included in other groupings – by 11.1%, gold-bearing ores - by 10.2%.

Prices for combustible natural liquefied and regasified gas decreased by 19.3%.

In manufacturing industries, prices for certain types of petroleum products increased: automobile gasoline – by 16.1%, off–season diesel fuel – by 11.9%, gaseous hydrocarbons, except natural gas - by 11%, stable gas condensate – by 10.5%.