The Cabinet of Ministers approved a roadmap to support the export of fuel and energy sector products

AK&M 01 December 2023 17:28

The Government of the Russian Federation has approved a roadmap to support the export of products and services of companies in the fuel and energy sector. The corresponding order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

The Roadmap is part of Russia's Energy Strategy until 2035.

The approved plan involves the expansion of international cooperation, the search for new promising markets for the products of Russian companies in the fuel and energy sector, assistance to friendly countries in the implementation of infrastructure projects, as well as the conclusion of long-term agreements with them for the supply of Russian products.

It is planned to develop a plan for scientific and technical cooperation in the oil and gas sector between Russia and Pakistan by the end of 2023.

It is planned to develop the export capabilities of coal mining enterprises. One of these events involves working out the issue with the authorities of friendly countries on the introduction of preferential customs duties on Russian coal. Another area is the development of effective mechanisms to support coal exports.