The Cabinet of Ministers has prepared a bill on the creation of SEZs in new territories

AK&M 24 March 2023 18:26

The Government of the Russian Federation has prepared a bill on the creation of a free economic zone in the territories of the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. This was announced by the Cabinet of Ministers.

The participants of the free economic zone are entitled to preferences: exemption from payment of the federal part of the income tax for 10 years, the regional part – by decision of the subjects, and property tax; exemption from payment of land tax for 3 years; reduced rates of insurance premiums – 7.6%; procedures of the free customs zone.

"All these measures will help attract private investment in the creation of new industries and infrastructure renovation, give a new impetus to the construction industry and, of course, ensure the growth of agriculture, which can become one of the main drivers of the development of new regions," Mikhail Mishustin said.