The Central Bank has established conditions for the export of more than $ 10 thousand by authorized banks and VEB.RF

AK&M 22 November 2022 10:39

The Board of Directors of the Bank of Russia has identified cases in which it is possible to export more than $10 thousand worth of foreign currency in cash abroad. This is reported by the press service of the regulator.

WEB.The Russian Federation and authorized banks will be able to export banknotes withdrawn from circulation or declared for withdrawal from circulation for their exchange. If the same amount of foreign currency in cash is imported back to Russia, it will be enough to send a notification to the Bank of Russia about the planned operation, the Central Bank reports.

If the subsequent import of cash foreign currency in the same volume is not provided, as well as for the export of dilapidated bills, you will need to obtain a permit from the Bank of Russia.

In addition, the WEB.The Russian Federation and authorized banks may obtain permission to export foreign currency in cash for other cases not related to foreign trade activities or repayment and provision of loans. But only if the same amount of foreign currency in cash is imported back.

The export of foreign currency in cash by other legal entities or individuals, including within the framework of foreign trade activities, as well as for the provision or repayment of loans is not provided.