The Central Bank has made two decisions to hold VTB accountable

AK&M 17 March 2023 16:57

On March 17, 2023, the Central Bank made two decisions on bringing VTB Bank to administrative responsibility under Article 14.29 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation - illegal receipt or provision of a credit report. This is reported by the regulator.

In accordance with this article, illegal actions to obtain or provide a credit report or information constituting a credit history and included in the credit report entail the imposition of an administrative fine on officials - from 2.5 thousand rubles to 5 thousand rubles. or disqualification for up to 3 years; for legal entities - from 30 thousand rubles to 50 thousand rubles.

VTB Group is a Russian financial group comprising more than 20 credit and financial companies operating in all major segments of the financial market.