The Central Bank of the Russian Federation established the official exchange rate of the yuan on March 1, 2024 - 12.5675 rubles.

AK&M 29 February 2024 17:35

The Central Bank of the Russian Federation established the official exchange rate of the yuan on March 1, 2024 in the amount of 12.5675 rubles against 12.7085 rubles. on February 29th.

The yuan exchange rate for the last 5 days:

02/29.24 - 12.7085 rubles . 

02/28.24 - 12.7357 rubles . 

02/27.24 - 12.7809 rubles . 

02/23/24 - 12.7951 rubles . 

02/22/24 - 12.8039 rubles .