Vladimir Putin allowed to publish the declarations of deputies and senators in an impersonal form

AK&M 06 February 2023 13:01

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On the General Principles of the Organization of Public Power in the Subjects of the Russian Federation" and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." This is reported by the Kremlin's press service.

The law, in particular, changes the rules for ensuring access of third parties to information contained in income declarations submitted by State Duma deputies, senators, as well as municipal and regional deputies.

Income declarations of these persons containing personal data and allowing to identify not only the person, but also the property belonging to him, will cease to be publicly available.

After the law comes into force, only generalized information about how deputies and senators fulfilled (properly or improperly) the obligation to report on their income and expenses will be published on the official websites of the relevant bodies.

For the chairmen of the legislative bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the exercise of powers on a permanent (professional) basis is established as a prerequisite, they will continue to file income declarations in a general manner.

A deputy exercising his powers without interrupting his main activity and not receiving monetary remuneration from the budget, in accordance with the law, is exempt from the obligation to submit an income declaration if during the year preceding the year of filing the declaration, he, his spouse, minor children did not make transactions for the total amount, exceeding the family income for the last three years.

If such transactions have not been made, the deputy will have to report this to the commission of the legislative body without submitting an income declaration. The deputy must independently assess whether these transactions were made during the reporting period.

The Law establishes a new basis for the early termination of the powers of municipal and regional deputies. This measure will be applied in the absence of a deputy at all meetings of the regional parliament for 6 consecutive months without valid reasons.

In addition, the law provides that not only residents of this settlement who have the active right to vote (registered at the place of residence), but also citizens who have reached the age of 18 and own residential premises located on the territory of this settlement will be able to become the headman of a rural settlement.