Vladimir Putin instructed to simplify the issue of securities of small fast-growing high-tech companies

AK&M 07 December 2023 18:51

Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed the Government of the Russian Federation and the Bank of Russia to simplify the issue of securities of small, dynamically growing companies, not only on stock exchanges, but also on investment platforms where private investors can become real co-owners of promising startups. The head of state stated this at the forum "Russia is calling!", according to a transcript posted on the Kremlin's website.

"Of course, there are details here that need to be thought about, but, of course, it is necessary to move in this direction," Vladimir Putin stressed.

According to him, separate solutions are needed for the capital of fast-growing high-tech businesses. "Here, as a rule, only the idea itself is valuable, new technology and a great desire to implement them, and there is usually not enough resource for development, for entering the market," Putin explained.