With the support of VEB. The third phase of clinical trials of the drug "Caesarox Epi" was conducted in the Russian Federation

AK&M 29 March 2023 11:49

With the support of VEB.Russian pharmacists have developed and registered a new drug to combat viral pneumonia, including coronavirus infection. The drug has successfully passed clinical trials and is registered by the Ministry of Health of Russia. This is stated in the message of VEB.RF.

This is the first drug in world practice that blocks a wide range of pathological processes that develop with viral lung damage.

The state Corporation has provided 30.5 million rubles for the most important – the third – phase of clinical trials of the drug "Caesarox Epi" on groups of patients with coronavirus pneumonia.

"Caesarox Epi" is intended for use in hospitals. It is assumed that doctors will begin prescribing the drug to hospitalized patients in the near future.

The developer of the drug is the Vladivostok company Epipharma. A group of scientists led by Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vsevolod Kiselyov worked on the creation of the drug. The phase 3 clinical trial was conducted on the basis of the research center of the Regional Clinical Hospital No. 2 in Vladivostok.

Previously, with the support of VEB.The R-Pharm Group of companies has also invested in the research of its own original drugs – olokizumab, used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and a new coronavirus infection, and goflicept, intended for the treatment of a wide range of socially significant and rare diseases.

The State Development Corporation "VEB.RF" (State Corporation "Vnesheconombank") (TIN 7750004150) was established on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Development Bank" through the reorganization in 2007 of Vnesheconombank of the USSR. Vnesheconombank is one of the development institutions whose activities are aimed at eliminating infrastructural constraints of economic growth, improving the efficiency of natural resources use, developing high-tech industries, unlocking the innovative and productive potential of small and medium-sized businesses, supporting the export of industrial products and services.