"> RT-Techpriemka certified UEC-Saturn | AKM EN

RT-Techpriemka certified UEC-Saturn

Rostec 17 March 2023 19:12

Rostec Certification Center "Rostec-certificate" of the company "RT-Techpriemka" Rostec conducted an audit of the company "UEC-Saturn", part of the United Engine Corporation. The audit showed that the quality management system (QMS) of the enterprise fully complies with the requirements of the standards. 

UEC-Saturn has organized a full cycle of creating new products – from the design and testing of prototypes to their serial production and maintenance. In their production, the company uses complex information technologies at all stages of the product life cycle. Successful certification allows the company to effectively manage all processes for the creation of the latest aviation technology. 

"The implementation of the quality management standard is a strategic decision for UEC–Saturn. It contributes to the improvement of performance and creates a solid foundation for initiatives aimed at sustainable development and increasing customer satisfaction with products and services. Obtaining a certificate of conformity opens up great opportunities for the company to participate in new large–scale projects," said Maxim Zamaldinov, head of the Rostec Certificate Certification Center. 

Compliance of the UEC-Saturn QMS with the GOST R ISO 9001-2015 standard confirms that the organization has a unified quality management system, whose activities are aimed at confirming the quality of products and services. This, in turn, demonstrates the high image of the company and effectively distinguishes it from competitors.

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