The Ministry of Regional Development of Russia and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) will work on the development of project management systems

Minvostokrazvitiya of Russia 19 September 2023 19:00

The Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic and the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) signed an agreement on the mutual development of project management systems on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum.

The document was signed by Deputy Head of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia Elvira Nurgalieva and First Deputy Chairman of the Government of Yakutia Kirill Bychkov. The agreement provides for cooperation in the organization of project activities and the use of project management tools in federal and regional executive authorities of the Russian Federation. Cooperation provides, among other things, access to work in the Information and analytical system "Situation Center of the Head of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). According to experts, the project management system of the IAS "Situation Center of the Head of the RS (Ya)" is one of the most advanced project management systems in the Far East.

The tools and functionality of the IAS "Situation Center of the Head of the RS (Ya)" allow you to collect and analyze large amounts of data on the implementation of projects in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). This allows you to effectively monitor the implementation of tasks, identify problem areas and take timely measures to eliminate them. The system provides an opportunity to obtain information about the status of projects and their impact on the socio-economic indicators of Yakutia, contributes to increasing the transparency of project management processes.

"One of the main directions of our activity is the implementation of comprehensive plans to create a new look for the cities of the Far East. On behalf of Russian President Vladimir Putin, master plans have been developed for a number of key Far Eastern cities. These are the capitals of the regions, cities with a population of over 50 thousand people and two capitals of BAM – the cities of Tynda and Severobaikalsk," she noted Elvira Nurgalieva. - The key basis of these master plans is the new urban economy. We continue to work on other priority socio-economic projects: the development of the education system, healthcare, and the creative economy. The Far East is now going through a large-scale transformation of cities. The implementation of measures requires an effective management system with the involvement of all participants. To this end, we also attract the best regional practices of project management, both in the Far East and other regions. And signing an agreement with Yakutia is a logical step for us in the development of management systems."

Following the signing of the agreement, Kirill Bychkov also noted the importance of interaction between the federal and regional levels of government in terms of project management, exchange of experience on digitalization of industries for making high-quality management decisions. The cooperation agreement will also support local developers of digital products.

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