TPU has developed combustion chamber surfaces for gel-like fuels

TPU 22 August 2022 20:15

Tomsk Polytechnic University researchers have developed new types of heating surfaces for burning promising gel-like fuels. They have an ultra-high resistance to the deposition of combustion products, and the ignition delay time is reduced by 30%. Gorenje This will improve the performance of various types of engines and combustion chambers. The research is supported by the Russian Science Foundation. The results of the study are published in the journal Fuel (Q1; IF:8,035).

Journalists of the RIA Novosti news agency told more about the development of polytechnics.

The development of new types of heating surfaces is a joint project of several scientific groups engaged in the study of ignition and combustion processes, the production of composite materials and surface phenomena on modified surfaces of metals and ceramics.Gorenje Within the framework of the study, specialists studied and applied laser surface treatment technologies for the needs of the thermal power industry and the aerospace industry in the field of power generating equipment.

"Previously, not only in Russia, but also in the world, laser surface treatment technologies were not used or studied to solve such scientific problems. The unification of three scientific groups made it possible to solve a range of urgent problems in the fields of materials science and energy, this became possible with the support of research by the Russian Scientific Foundation, " says Dmitry Feoktistov, associate professor at the Research School of Physics of High—Energy Processes at TPU.

Scientists have developed new types of heating surfaces made of heat-resistant, heat-resistant steel and silicon carbide ceramics, from which elements of combustion chambers of energy-generating equipment for burning traditional and promising nonmetal and metallized gel-like fuels are constructed. They are distinguished by ultra-high resistance to gorenje products, ash and slag deposition. When droplets hit such surfaces, the ignition delay and burnout time under conductive heating conditions is reduced by more than 30%. This makes it possible to improve the characteristics of internal combustion engines, diesel and jet engines, as well as combustion chambers of power generating equipment. 

The scientists plan to produce composite materials with a ceramic Cu/SiS matrix for the operation of advanced digital, intelligent manufacturing technologies, large data processing systems, artificial intelligence, 5G communication systems.

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