"> You can now subscribe to other users' reviews in Yandex Maps | AKM EN

You can now subscribe to other users' reviews in Yandex Maps

Yandex 17 April 2024 19:30

Yandex Maps users can subscribe to reviews from friends and those who actively explore the city. This will help you keep up to date with important details about restaurants, parks, gyms and other organizations.

In addition, now you can see which of the friends and experts of the city appreciated the place. Their likes will be visible directly in the search results, and reviews will be shown first in the organization's profile. This way you can find out about the impressions of people whose opinion is important, and like the photos and reviews you like. 

All reviews are collected in the profile — the design has been updated and the "Feed" section has appeared. In the same place, in the profile, you can subscribe to new reviews — The maps themselves will offer connoisseurs of the city with similar interests. For example, those who also often go to coffee shops, leave reviews about them and post photos in Maps. And if you share your contact list with the app, it will recommend that you also subscribe to reviews from friends and acquaintances.

The application offers to subscribe to user reviews with an open profile. If you don't want to share your impressions, you can make your profile non-public. Then the reviews will be visible in the place cards, but they will not get into other people's feeds and will not appear in the profile.

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